For businesses in Dade, Broward and West Palm Beach Florida and surrounding areas, Cloud Computing is the Future of Business. Get On Now!
Wouldn't you love to...Reduce infrastructure costs, collaborate, and get more done? Well with our unique cloud solutions it's just a click away!
The future of small and medium business technology that will save you money and increase efficiency in your daily operations, Guaranteed!
Many US / Global companies are starting to utilize cloud computing in higher concentrations. The recent boom in the capabilities of utility computing in the cloud presents many small and mid-sized businesses with alternative ways of substantially enhancing production anywhere there is Internet access.
Cloud computing presents solutions for any of your businesses problems; from e-mail, to communications, to a full-scaled hosted infrastructure. In this way cloud computing is presenting companies of all sized considerable benefits.
Hosted IT Solutions
Utilize our enterprise-level cloud delivery for significant cost reduction.
Expert Turnkey offers businesses just like yours, additional computing options that work to increase your company's efficiency and productivity; and helps you avoid the capital expenses that come along with the purchase state-of-the-art technology.
Be sure to ask us about other cloud solutions, such as:
Hosted Exchange Email
Email Filtering/Spam Protection
Desktop Virtualization
Hosted VoIP
Hosted Security and Backup
Hosted Applications
Data Warehousing
Amazon Web Services
and much more...
Expert Turnkey of South Florida, provides an array of essential IT Cloud services on a monthly or yearly subscription basis to any size Business.
Cloud Services allows for rapid growth. With small amount to invest to startup it's easy!
For a company that wishes to setup a network and data sharing infrastructure that allows scale-ability and better security access.
Cloud is the number 1 go to word these days when talking about IT and Remote access. When Cloud technology is applied for your Business you instantly have a decrease of more than 90% in technology headaches taken cared of that have to do with IT and Managed IT services! Why is that? It's because Cloud computing puts all the support costs at the host.
Your business data and overheard IT will be installed and hosted and supported at the Cloud Computer Data Center or CCDC.
Expert Turnkey's many years of proven experience with new technologies will make you a very smarte business owner, indeed.
For more information about cloud-based computing and how it can benefit your business call our knowledgeable technicians today and learn more about how Expert Turnkey Solutions delivers the best hosted Cloud Solutions in Greater Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach and Miami Areas of South Florida.

Data Warehousing
Manage your data in a way that can help your business thrive.
Expert Turnkey Technologies technicians work hard to protect our clients’ data. Our tried-and-true practices and expert technical knowledge have kept the data of several South Florida Area businesses' safe and secure. With the expense associated with data security and redundancy, wouldn’t it b...
Amazon Web Services
Dynamic and secure cloud platforms proven to work for business.
As a member of the AWS Partner Network, Expert Turnkey Technologies makes available custom-purpose, enterprise-level cloud solutions to South Florida Area businesses. Thanks to the Amazon Web Services Partner Network, we are able to leverage one of the world’s most powerful cloud comp...

Cloud Hosted VoIP
Embrace the future of communications solutions.
For Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Boca businesses. The hottest trend of 2019 is Cloud VoIP Services 100% Hosted PBX systems, with low monthly costs and low startup investment. It's a no-brainer for Dade, Broward and West Palm Beach Businesses. The traditional business telephone solution is showing its age. With Internet and online technologies like the cloud, organizations are finding it difficult to justify keeping a traditional phone line for their old school communications systems.
Get Microsoft's Cloud Computing Platform & Infrastructure for your Business Today!
Integrate the services and applications you depend on with a scalable cloud platform while lowering costs.
Today's businesses are searching for all kinds of ways to enhance their mobility, lower costs and improve the functionality of their business. Integrating technology systems that expand their access to mission-critical data is one ...
Cloud Backup, Security, and File Sharing- Protecting your Business in the Cloud
The rapid expansion of dynamic cloud solutions can be a major benefit for Dade, Broward and West Palm Beach area businesses.
Many organizations are considering cloud data backup solutions for countering the mounting costs that technology and hardware brings. Since cloud solutions are generally billed monthly, the cost becomes a solid operating expense...
Hardware Virtualization
Get the most out of your company's computing resources by consolidating your hardware.
With all information technology professionals searching for ways to help their organizations cut costs and improve efficiency, most professional institutions have started moving sections of their business computing to the cloud. By virtualizing your company's...
Virtualized Desktop Solutions.100% Cloud Hosted
Introducing your desktop; delivered from the cloud; Anywhere.
Business owners and executives are always looking to save money. By using virtualization techniques it is possible to load all of your essential programs into a cloud environment, and then deliver them, on your employees workstations. Centralizing a worker’s digital en...
Hosted Microsoft Exchange / Office 365
A complete E-mail service solutions is critical for your business to communicate effectively. Also Offering Office 365. 100% In the Cloud!
Exchange Email From Microsoft, offers your company many familiar and powerful tools for inter-office collaboration and meeting scheduling and team enabling, to mention just a few. Implementing these awesome tools, your organization can significantly improve the productivity of your staff. and increase your business' bottom line.